(Just a note. This blog is made by two people, ThebubblyAlpaca aka “the writer” and ThefluffyVicuña aka “the editor”)

Hi! To start off this blog, I want to introduce myself to my viewers. My name is…haha got ya! I’m not going to disclose my name just yet. But you can call me The bubbly Alpaca if you want to!

I really wanted to start a blog because I wanted to share my own opinions and give people facts.

To get down to business, some of the few topics that I will post content about will be;

  • Fiction– As I said earlier, I do want to become a better writer, so I’m going to be putting up several fiction stories!
  • Memes– Everyone loves a good laugh now and then.
  • Other random things

If I blog successfully, I would love to have accomplished many several goals, most of them include successfully expressing my opinions to people in different cultures and places.

I think that’s everything I’m going to disclose about us, I’m going to get this blog started! See y’all next time!

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