our earth is asking for help.

Parched, I half-ran towards the well that we’d spent hours digging up. The well was a simple one, with rocks lining the edge of it. The rocks were almost falling apart. A line of dirty, unorganised people moved towards the well. I joined the line, behind more than half of town, well, at least the half left of town. A couple hours later, I shuffled to the end of the line and picked up the rusty bucket everyone used to pull up water deep below the well.

I dropped the bucket but it slammed against the dirt walls of the well. The rope was hanging on by just a few threads. I pulled the bucket back up and tipped the edge of the bucket into my mouth. It wasn’t enough. I looked warily at the remains of the animals far away, next to the beach, it stunk. I sat down, exhausted and tired of what was happening. If only we’d fixed it earlier…

Hi! You’re probably wondering what that was all about right? I mean, it was a pretty absurd introduction for a blog post XD. Anyway, today, I wanted to talk about the overall consumption of the human race (our race). This is a huge problem, that most of us know about, talk about but don’t acknowledge, and act upon.

Most of the trash in the Ocean is Plastic
petition: Seals Haven't Evolved to Survive the Threat of Plastic
For Animals, Plastic Is Turning the Ocean Into a Minefield
Plastic Pollution Affects Sea Life Throughout the Ocean | The Pew ...
Local Beer Company Makes Six-Pack Rings That Feed Marine Animals ...
Stunning Images Expose the Horrific Impact of Plastic Trash on ...
Petition · Local Councils: Plastic pollution is killing our oceans ...

Do you see those pictures? I bet most of you have seen them before, reacted to them for a couple of minutes and tried to bring about change. Well, that’s exactly what I did, but here’s one thing I didn’t, I didn’t pursue it.

I’ve always been aware of the fact that plastic, and so many other things are killing animals and plant life out there, but did I try, for even one day? I didn’t. And that’s what’s bothering me so much right now. When so many people out there, including me, know and even write and share about this particular issue (which I’ll describe in depth later on), but the fact that we don’t do a single thing that’ll change the outcome of this situation, it’s not right.

You’re probably a little confused right now, so I’m going to keep it clear. I’m talking about pollution, global warming, plastics and industries. I’m talking about how so many animals are dead right now. Why? Because of us and the things we do. I’m talking about how most of us are living our normal lives and doing nothing about it.

I know how you must feel right now. No one likes a preach, even I don’t. But, I hope you’ll make do with me for a while, because I’m going to have to act like one right now.

reducing plastic usage

How to reduce your plastic use - BioBag World Australia

We have a responsibility towards our planet, we all have a responsibility toward the life on Earth.

You know, sometimes all we need is a small bit of change, it doesn’t matter who it comes from, it just matters if you use your individual amount of power in your own small world to do something good.

You’re probably wondering what good I’m going to do with my ‘individual power’ in my own small world. And my answer to that is I’ve already started off with numbers 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 in the picture above. I’ll try my best to continue and do more.

Here’s a question. Would you want me to write a blog post about how much plastic I use in a month? It’d be kind of like an experiment. Let me know in the comments.

Here’s the last thing you’ll hear from me in this post, the two paragraphs you read above could be the world we’ll have to live in if we don’t bring about change. On that happy note (XD), I’m going to conclude this post and trust you to do what you think is good for you.

See you next time!

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