under discussed topics on gender inequality…

Hello there! Today I want to talk about how some things aren’t mentioned as much as they should be. The idea for this blog post came from a very random discussion I had recently with my bestie, PookieCapricornus.

(blogging tip: everything and anything can be used as a blog post idea, it just needs to be discovered.)

We’ve all talked about how females deserve more respect and proper treatment in some way or the other and of course, it’s true. Women and girls out there aren’t treated like they should be and it should change. But what I want to talk about today is an entirely different matter.

First of all, what does gender inequality mean to me? Gender inequality, in my words, means when one gender doesn’t get as much as the other one does. Be it support, resources etc etc.

Here’s an example of gender inequality that all the girls at my former school had gone through. At my former school, all the girls used to spend their recesses talking, or walking around. However, most of the guys used to hog the entire football pitch and have matches between grades. Looking at the pitch, you’d find a small number of girls playing with the boys and all the guys were okay with that.

Then one day came, the girls in my grade started liking the idea of playing soccer everyday. But the boys wanted the field all to themselves, but we weren’t going to give up. We started to spend breaks sitting in the middle of the field so the boys wouldn’t play. We basically started a peaceful riot, with people shouting ‘We want rights!’.

When it got a little bit out of hand, teachers came in and divvied up times and recesses between the guys and girls, so we were all happy. If I were you right now, I’d be thinking of how my example wasn’t valid, as everything was right in the end. But there’s a small bit of information almost everyone seems to overlook. People think that guys are supposed to be sporty, and girls aren’t. Isn’t that a form of gender inequality too?

Thinking that one gender should do things and the other shouldn’t.

I’m now going to move on to some sub-topics surrounding this.


Standards. This one word can make or break someone. Literally.

It’s part of human nature to set standards for everything. Here’s an example- parents may set standards for their child’s grades.

In the same way, the “society” (or in other words, the general people of the world) has standards for people. People think that for a guy to be a guy, he needs to be sporty. He needs to be fit. He needs to be smart. He needs to have a decent life. He needs to be working if he’s graduated.

People think for a girl to be a girl she needs to know how to cook. She needs to know how to take care of a house and a family.

Now here’s my say. People don’t have to fulfil expectations. To everyone out there, be what you want to be, do what you want to do.

And never hesitate even once if you think people are going to judge you, because they’re gonna do that anyway.

The fact that there are not many decent songs motivating boys

I spent ages searching up one decent motivational song for boys, but what do I see? Nothing. There could be songs that motivate guys somewhere, but I simply can’t find em. If you do, link it up and I’ll change this entire section and shout you out.

Let’s look at the other side now-

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If you don’t know, I spend a generous amount of time on playing Call of Duty. I love first person shooter games (no I don’t play Pubg or Fortnite).

There was this one day I was playing Team Deathmatch and there were people in there who had their voice chats on (I never keep my voice chat on). One of them was a girl. She said something like ‘they’re at spawn’ and then the other people on my team started saying things like ‘ooh there are girls here!’

Like what the heck.

First of all, do you think that girls don’t play video games at all? We don’t play with dolls all day, we’re not babies.

Secondly, why the heck are you so surprised? Is it weird to find a girl playing Modern Warfare? I mean look at all the famous gamers out there, there are girls in that group too.

Anyways, I just wanted to state the fact that most people are so surprised and shocked about girls playing video games, please just don’t.

If I keep on going I’ll never stop, so I’m gonna end the post right here (lemme know if you want a part 2). See ya next time!

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