bai 2020: music

Henlooooooo It’s me again😌😏 Your favorite (probably not 😬🥺) blogger😂 We hit 900 followers on Pinterest 🥺 Thank you smmmmm!! Anyway, here’s a blog post about music I liked throughout this year. I got this idea from Chloe. She did a really nice blog post about her 2020 Year In Music (check it out!!) And since Spotify doesn’t work here, I’m gonna have to make … Continue reading bai 2020: music


Heyyy, so yesterday, I listened to some songs I used to love. I never knew Kpop before, so all I used to listen to was English, and the occasional Spanish song (Despacito hehe). Some of those songs I heard used to be my go to songs. I still remember watching “Never Forget You” by Zara Larson in the few minutes of wifi I got between … Continue reading throwbacks